Welcome to the ND Acu Med blog

Hello!  I am a Naturopathic Doctor and Licensed Acupuncturist. This blog is dedicated to anyone who wants to improve their health naturally through the use of diet, herbs, vitamins, minerals and homeopathics, acupuncture and lifestyle changes. I am passionate about finding natural solutions for many chronic health ailments including but not limited to:

  • Cancer: For patients undergoing treatment, or finished with treatments or who are interested in preventing cancer, naturopathic medicine offers many support options that can complement your conventional care.
  • Painful conditions: Whether you suffer from neck, back, knee, joint pain, headaches, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid or osteoarthritis, there are many natural medicine options that can help you.
  • Diabetes: Poor blood sugar is linked to many other health conditions such as heart disease, kidney and eye health and even cancer. You may have heard about side effects of common diabetes medications.  If you are scared about the side effects, there are many natural support options that can help to minimize these side effects as well as maximize your bodies natural ability to regulate blood sugar.

Welcome aboard!!  Please reach out if you have any natural medicine support questions!!