Simple natural support option to reduce cost of heart disease and stroke in America

Cardiovascular disease costs the U.S. one billion dollars per day! Yes, you heard me, correctly.  While there are various drugs treating heart disease, there is one natural option that you want to consider: beans.  Now, you might associate beans as a source of fiber to improve bowel regularity,  but it turns out “.. a  cup a day of beans, chickpeas, or lentils for three months may slow resting heart rate as much as exercising for 250 hours on a treadmill” ((Faclm, 2016).  This is not to suggest that you should avoid exercising and that all you need to do to promote heart health is eat beans, but as part of an overall program to promote hearth health and overall wellness, incorporating beans into your diet may help and reduce the health financial burden on the U.S. economy.


Faclm, G. M. M. D. (2016, May 25). Slow Your Beating Heart: Beans vs. Exercise | NutritionFacts.Org.