How to increase platelet count during chemotherapy

As mentioned in a previous post, chemotherapy can cause low platelets to the point where chemotherapy might be delayed. Apart from platelet transfusions, unfortunately, conventional medicine does not have many options to increase platelet counts. There is a drug called Promacta for a condition called ITP(immune thrombocytopenia pupura) where the body attacks the platelets. But, this is yet to be approved for cancer patients.  Plus, it has a boxed warning of causing severe liver damage.

Naturally, there are several options.  One option that has been clinically studied in cancer patients is papaya leaf extract with a herb called Guduchi.  Papaya leaf extract has been shown in test tube studies to increase compounds called cytokines which help to stimulate the bone marrow to increase platelet production.  It should be noted that Guduchi can regulate your blood sugar.  It is possible that taking this herb with other diabetes drugs may further lower your blood sugar.  To be safe, you should check with your doctor if taking this herbal combination is safe with your current medication regimen.

Note: The content provided in this blog post and website is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice, or as a substitute for the medical advice of a physician.